Eis o que acontece quando nos armamos em comentadores de blogs de publicidade: picardias absolutamente desnecessárias. Mas pelo menos alguém está a prestar atenção. Eu respondo pelo nome de Arisca e o “interlocutor” pelo nick de Drunk Dave.
Submitted by Arisca on Wed, 2006-11-15 22:47
Enough of these PETA maniacs already! Yeah, let's all turn vegans and eat boiled roots, avoid animal proteins and embrace subnutrition 'cause the chicks must populate the earth. If you're a 12 year old girl you may find it pertinent. Lame.
Submitted by drunk dave on Fri, 2006-11-17 18:12.
You are a moron. It's hard to be a vegetarian, which I'm not, but the message not to eat meat is very pertinent, and if you've ever been to a slaughter house or chicken farm, you'd think twice. And the less meat we eat the more we save the planet.
So maybe it's a very important message they have to say, that said, this ad 'aint gonna change perceptions 'cos it's just not strong enough. Sorry. Start again.
Submitted by Arisca on Thu, 2006-11-30 21:53.
Well, Dave, here's why people like you should join PETA. Would advise you to watch An Inconvenient Truth and then pontificate about saving the planet. By the way... I do avoid meet.
Submitted by drunk dave on Fri, 2006-12-01 01:08.
Point taken. And I'd never join any extreme organisation, but they have the right to advertise, even if you disagree.
Submitted by Arisca on Fri, 2006-12-01 03:38.
I admit it was an outburst and of course they have the right. Businesswise, agreed, it just isn't strong enough.
Campanha: PETA, FCB Portugal
2 comentários:
Não se zanguem. É só um anúncio. Importa dizer que este anúncio foi criado em resposta a um briefing criativo do Young Guns Awards deste ano. Pessoalmente, não aprecio a atitude extremista da PETA, mas se pusesse em causa a postura de todas as empresas ou marcas, não criava um único anúncio. Este já está na shortlist da competição. E temos mais dois nesta lista.
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